# Quickstart

This page provides a quick introduction to this library and introductory examples. If you have not already installed the library head over to the Installation page.

# Getting an API object

You can get an api object by simply passing the api endpoint:

use \Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi;

$api = MediawikiApi::newFromApiEndpoint( 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' );

You can even just pass a page:

use \Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi;

$api = MediawikiApi::newFromPage( 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin' );

# Logging in and out

use \Mediawiki\Api\ApiUser;

$api->login( new ApiUser( 'username', 'password' ) );

# Making request objects

The library provides two different way of constructing requests.

use Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest;
use Mediawiki\Api\FluentRequest;

$purgeRequest = new SimpleRequest( 'purge', array( 'titles' => 'Berlin' ) );
// or
$purgeRequest = FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Berlin' );

# Sending requests

$api->postRequest( $purgeRequest );

$queryResponse = $api->getRequest( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'query' )->setParam( 'meta', 'siteinfo' ) );

    $api->postRequest( new SimpleRequest( 'FooBarBaz' ) );
catch ( UsageException $e ) {
    echo "The api returned an error!";

# Making async requests

// Initiate each request but do not block
$requestPromises = array(
    'Page1' => $api->postRequestAsync( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page1' ) ),
    'Page2' => $api->postRequestAsync( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page2' ) ),
    'Page3' => $api->postRequestAsync( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page3' ) ),

// Wait on all of the requests to complete.
$results = GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap( $requestPromises );

// You can access each result using the key provided to the unwrap function.
print_r( $results['Page1'], $results['Page2'], $results['Page3'] )